Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Night Before...

We leave tomorrow morning for this grand hike and I am the most unorganized person on the planet. A friend once told me that I spread out like a tornado, but it seems that in moments, it can be perfectly clean, organized and put back together (really looking forward to the latter part). Just an hour ago food, supplies, resupply boxes and equipment were strewn about my inlaws' basement, kitchen, guest room and who knows where else I left things. I am extremely grateful for their hospitality, patience and ability to overlook my messiness. On several occasions I just looked at the extreme mess in front of me and became so overwhelmed that I could just sit and stare at it for a good 10-20 minutes. It's looking a little bit better now, but there are still resupply boxes that need attention/labeling, laundry to be completed, organization of the stuff we are leaving behind, and sleep to be had.
Also, I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to blog on the trail. I guess I kind of hold to an attitude of, "it will all get figured out on its own". For now the plan is to journal every night, and then on resupply days in towns, I will add it to the blog via iPhone. 

Thank you Subway, Chick-Fil A and King Soopers!!!

I should give a shout out to the couple of businesses that helped us out with small packets of mayo, olive oil and jelly. To King Soopers on North College, we appreciate the gentleman who appreciated our honesty of wanting to pay for packets and gave us 50 mayo packets for a dollar. To the Subway in Windsor, the Subway by Albertsons on both South and North College for olive oil packets for the price of a cookie or two, and finally to Chick-Fil-A for selling me a lot of jelly packets for a small fee. We appreciate them all! 

To all, thank you for listening to my ramblings and showing your support. I can't wait to send you updates. 



  1. You got this, Emmy! It'll all come together. Love you!

  2. I am so proud of the both of you for do this. I can't wait to hear all about it. Love you both and be safe.
