Sunday, August 23, 2015

Road Trippin' to Ketchikan Day One

The great "Out West"
We took our time leaving town and finally got on the interstate at noon. I'm pretty sure the day started with a big ugly fight, but I digress. Most days of or days before traveling are so full of stress that tensions are running just a little bit high. David and I are very aware of this and despite that, a fight usually breaks out when we find we can't just sit back and laugh at the situation.
That I can remember, I've never been to Laramie or Jackson Wyoming so we charted a course to Yellowstone through those two cities. Laramie was insignificant to me, and Jackson was cool enough. The Tetons National Park was a first as well, and I marveled at the mountains laying before me. On our way to the unofficial campground, we saw a large herd of Bison grazing before us. It was stunning, especially next to mountains and the sunsetting sky

Jackson, Wyoming

We tried finding a campsite in what would have been the coolest place ever but we ran in to several problems. For one, it was close to 8pm and there was no vacancy. Determined, we drove beyond on terrible dirt roads to find the best, most isolated spot ever. This is a bad idea with my car- a Subaru Impreza with the worlds record for lowest clearance. My car was even lower than usual because it was packed full of heavy food, clothes, water, scuba and camping gear. There were a few face wrenching unavoidable scrapes along the bottom side of my car. It was a very unpleasant process. Near 9 or 9:30 we gave up on any hopes of going in to Teton National Park or getting a campsite. We looked in to getting a hotel in Jackson and the few available units were outside our price range. So we did what we do best- keep going until you find the perfect place. Two hours away, in Idaho Falls, ID, we landed on a soft pillowy bed.
The Tetons

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